
Invisalign in Bethesda: Clearly Superior

When you think of an alternative to braces for straighter teeth, you most likely think of Invisalign®. That’s because this orthodontic system has become synonymous with clear aligners. At Bethesda Dental Associates, we only provide the best treatments to our distinguished patients, so Invisalign is our go-to solution for correcting misalignment. Learn why we’ve embraced this gold-standard orthodontic treatment. 

Our Bethesda Dentists Answer Your Invisalign Questions

How long does Invisalign take? You could start seeing results in as little as six months. Milder misalignments will naturally take less time to correct, while moderate or complex cases could take longer. Our Bethesda Invisalign dentists will give you a detailed treatment timeline once we scan your teeth and plan your care. 

The same answer applies to the question of how much Invisalign costs. The shorter your treatment time, the lower the cost. We include detailed payment information when we start your treatment. Our office also offers flexible payment plans, accepts most PPO insurance, and offers an unbeatable in-house membership plan. We’ll work with you to find ways to pay.

The Perks of Our Premier Dental Practice

  • Tailored Treatment Plans Resulting in Thorough Care
  • VIP Parking for a Stress-Free Start to Your Appointment
  • Relaxing Environment for a Dental Treatment Retreat